We help your







Community College

Nonprofit School University Business Hospital Organization Community College

to succeed.

Transforming the way your grant is written and managed

Photographer: Lindy Rhodes.

About Jasmine

Jasmine Markanday is an experienced grant professional specializing in Federal grant readiness, research, writing, and management. She has worked for nonprofits for over 20 years as an accountant and consultant. She assists clients with grant compliance based on 2 CFR 200 and Federal Administrative Regulations. Since 2014, Jasmine has assisted many organizations with indirect cost rate negotiations resulting in an additional estimated revenue of $500,000. She received her Bachelor’s in Business Administration with Information Systems from Emporia State University and her MBA in Healthcare Administration from MidAmerica Nazarene University. If not working, she can be found reading, organizing, or spending time with family.

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Markanday Consulting, today.