Audit Preparation

To ensure the sustainability of your organization, fast, accurate, and complete financials are absolutely crucial. You must make informed decisions and stay on track for your goals. By keeping an unwavering focus on your finances, you can identify any potential issues early on and take swift action to prevent them from becoming major problems. With the right financial tools and strategies in place, you will enjoy peace of mind and confidently lead your organization toward a brighter future.

What we offer

Our team is available to review all transactions and support your organization in coordinating, planning, and responding to audits, including Single Audits. You can trust us to work diligently to ensure that your organization is operating in a responsible and compliant manner, giving you the peace of mind you deserve.


Internal Control Assessments

Pre-Audit Testing

Compliance Review

Audit Liaison

Account Reconciliation

Review of Financial Policies and Procedures

Preparation of Audit Workpapers

Training and Capacity Building

Post-Audit Follow Up

Continuous Improvement

Get started with
Markanday Consulting, today.