Internet Tools for Grant Writing

Whether it is your first experience writing a grant, or your 50th, we know it can be intimidating. It is important to use all the resources available to you to put your best foot forward! We are here to talk about some available tools that are easily accessible on the internet to help you through your process. 


Grammarly is an online writing assistant and proofreading tool that helps users improve the quality and correctness of their written content, including documents, emails, essays, and more. It offers several key features and benefits:

  • Spelling and Grammar Checks: Grammarly scans your text for spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, and punctuation issues. It highlights the problematic parts of your text and suggests corrections.

  • Writing Style Suggestions: Beyond basic grammar and spelling, Grammarly also provides style suggestions to enhance the clarity and effectiveness of your writing. It can help you eliminate wordiness, improve sentence structure, and ensure consistency in writing style.

  • Tone and Clarity Feedback: Grammarly offers insights into the tone and overall clarity of your text. It can identify whether your writing sounds formal, casual, confident, or other tones, helping you tailor your message to your audience.

  • Vocabulary Enhancements: The tool suggests synonyms and word choices to diversify your vocabulary and make your writing more engaging.

  • Plagiarism Checker: Grammarly includes a plagiarism checker that scans your text against a database of published content to detect potential instances of plagiarism. This is particularly useful for students and academics.

  • Browser Extension: Grammarly offers a browser extension that can be added to popular web browsers, allowing users to check their writing in real-time as they compose emails, write on websites, or create social media posts.

  • Customization: Users can set their writing goals and preferences within Grammarly. For example, you can specify whether you're writing an academic paper, business email, or creative story to receive more tailored suggestions.

  • Compatibility: Grammarly is compatible with various platforms, including web browsers, Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and mobile devices. This means you can use it across different applications and devices.

  • Free and Premium Versions: Grammarly offers both a free version and a premium version. The free version provides basic grammar and spelling checks, while the premium version offers more advanced features, such as vocabulary enhancement, style suggestions, and a more robust plagiarism checker.

  • User-Friendly Interface: Grammarly's user interface is intuitive and user-friendly, making it accessible for people of all writing levels.

Improper grammar will be one of the first reasons your application gets denied. Avoid that at all costs! Grammarly is a valuable tool for individuals who want to enhance their writing. It can help users catch errors, improve the clarity of their writing, and develop their writing skills. 


You can certainly use ChatGPT to assist with certain aspects of grant writing, but it's important to understand its capabilities and limitations in this context. Here's how you can use ChatGPT effectively for grant writing:

  • Brainstorming Ideas:

    • ChatGPT can help generate ideas and concepts for your grant proposal. You can provide a brief description of your project or the problem you aim to address, and ChatGPT can offer suggestions for project goals, outcomes, and potential solutions.

  • Creating Outlines:

    • You can use ChatGPT to help create an outline for your grant proposal. Provide the main sections you need to cover (e.g., introduction, goals, methods, budget), and ChatGPT can assist in structuring your document.

  • Clarifying and Simplifying Language:

    • If your writing needs to be more concise or clear, ChatGPT can provide suggestions for simplifying complex sentences or rephrasing text to improve clarity.

  • Proofreading and Grammar Checks:

    • ChatGPT can be used to proofread your grant proposal and identify common spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. It can help you ensure your writing is error-free.

  • Vocabulary and Phrasing Suggestions:

    • ChatGPT can recommend synonyms or alternative phrases to diversify your vocabulary and improve the overall quality of your writing.

  • Generating Descriptive Content:

    • When you need to describe your project's objectives, methods, or expected outcomes, you can use ChatGPT to generate descriptive content based on the information you provide.

  • Answering Questions and Providing Explanations:

    • If you have specific questions about grant writing or need explanations regarding certain concepts or sections of your proposal, you can ask ChatGPT for clarification.

  • Creating Grant Budgets:

    • ChatGPT can assist in generating budget sections for your grant proposal, including estimates of expenses and revenue.

While ChatGPT can be a valuable writing assistant, it's crucial to remember that it's not a substitute for your expertise or the specific knowledge required for your grant proposal. Always double-check the content generated by ChatGPT and ensure it aligns with the guidelines and goals of the grant you're applying for. Additionally, be prepared to customize and tailor the text to your unique project and the expectations of the grantor.

Moreover, make sure that you comply with any guidelines or regulations regarding AI-assisted writing tools if you're applying for grants in a formal or regulated environment.


Instrumentl is a grant management and search platform designed to assist individuals and organizations in finding and managing grant opportunities. While it's not a grant writing tool like a word processor or writing assistant, it can be a valuable resource to streamline the grant application process. Here's how you can use Instrumentl for grant writing and the grant application process:

  • Grant Search and Discovery:

    • Instrumentl allows you to search for grants based on specific criteria, including grantor, focus area, geographic region, and more. You can use this feature to identify relevant grant opportunities for your project.

  • Grant Research:

    • Instrumentl often provides detailed information about grant opportunities, including eligibility requirements, application deadlines, funding amounts, and grantor contact details. Use this information to assess the suitability of a grant for your project.

  • Grant Tracking and Deadlines:

    • Instrumentl can help you keep track of important grant application deadlines, allowing you to plan your grant writing schedule and ensure that you submit applications on time.

  • Application Submission:

    • Some grantors offer the option to apply for grants directly through the Instrumentl platform. This can simplify the application process, as you can submit your proposal and required documents through the system.

  • Document Management:

    • Instrumentl may provide document management features that allow you to upload and store your grant application materials, such as project narratives, budgets, and supporting documents in one place.

  • Collaboration:

    • If you are working with a team on a grant proposal, you can collaborate within the platform to collectively work on the application, share documents, and communicate regarding the application process.

  • Notifications and Updates:

    • Instrumentl often offers notification features to keep you informed about grant-related updates, such as new opportunities or changes in grant guidelines.

  • Reporting and Analytics:

    • The platform may provide reporting and analytics features, which can help you track the progress of your grant applications, understand the success rate of your applications, and assess your grant-seeking efforts.

While Instrumentl can be a valuable tool for finding, tracking, and managing grant opportunities, it's important to keep in mind that it doesn't replace the need for effective grant writing skills and proposal development. When using Instrumentl for grant writing, here are some additional tips:

  • Carefully review the grant guidelines and tailor your proposal to meet the specific requirements and objectives of each grant opportunity.

  • Use writing and editing tools to create well-structured, clear, and compelling grant proposals.

  • Seek feedback from peers, mentors, or grant professionals like PKS to improve the quality of your grant applications.

Ultimately, Instrumentl can be a helpful resource to make the grant-seeking and application process more efficient, but it's essential to ensure that your grant proposals are well-crafted and align with the grantor's expectations and goals.

These are just three examples of internet tools that we find most useful for those starting down their grant application journey! Reach out to us for more assistance if you are finding yourself stuck or in need of advice! 


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So You Got the Grant! What Now?